Sign up for the October Exchange!

Collaborate. Practice. Share. Improve.

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How it works

Swap Names

Sign up for the exchange and let us know what you write. We then assign you a new moniker.

Give a sketch

You will have one week to do a sketch, paint a wall, or give your sister a tattoo with that name.

Get a sketch

Upload your drawing, view the entire gallery, and leave feedback.

Previous Exchanges

Try it Out

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What do you write:
Preferred Style
Are you willing to do two, but only get one back? (to cover for someone that doesn't follow through)
Any other thoughts or comments?

The Timetable

Oct 9, 2020

Sign Up By Friday

Oct 11, 2020

Get your assignment by Sunday

Oct 17, 2020

One week to upload your sketch.

Oct 25, 2020

One week until reviewing the results.

There are a few days between turning in the sketches and viewing the submissions where we will rematch people to make up for others that didn't follow through. If you have any questions or comments then please reach out at